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3 on 6™ Post-Operative Instructions

After any surgery, it is important to allow your body to heal to achieve best results. The following instructions should be adhered to following 3 on 6™ treatment to reduce healing time and improve outcomes.

If you have any specific questions please contact your 3 on 6™ provider.

Immediately Following Surgery

  • We generally recommend taking at least a day or two from off from work after surgery to relax and recover.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise and strenuous body movements for the first week.


  • Slight bleeding, oozing, or redness in the saliva is not uncommon for up to 2 days after surgery.

  • Excessive bleeding may be controlled by creating firm direct pressure on the surgical site by placing a moistened gauze pad over the area for 30-60 minutes. Repeat if necessary.

  • If active bleeding does not subside, please call the office for further instructions.


  • You can gently brush teeth immediately following the procedure twice daily with a soft bristle brush, but avoid brushing the gums for 2-3 weeks.

  • After surgery, rinse your mouth with salt water (1 cup water, half teaspoon salt) twice daily for 2 weeks. Avoid mouth rinses containing alcohol.

  • 2 weeks after surgery, begin flossing daily under the bridges and around the implants with string floss or a water flosser.

Swelling & Discoloration

  • Significant swelling and discoloration are not common, but will usually reach its peak approximately 72 hours after surgery, then will gradually begin to improve.

  • Moist heat applied to the area may speed up removal of the discoloration. Do not use heat during the first 48-72 hours after surgery, this could increase swelling and bruising.

  • Swelling can be minimized with ice packs. Rotate 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off.


  • DO NOT EAT HARD FOODS FOR 3 MONTHS! Your implants need time to heal to your bone and eating hard foods will cause your implants to fail. Eat only foods as soft as eggs, or cooked noodles. Some favorites are yogurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, smoothies, protein shakes, etc.

  • For 24 hours after oral surgery, only liquids should be consumed. No hot liquids.

  • For 1 week after surgery drink from a glass or cup. Do not use straws.

  • Proper nutrition is important for healing. Stay hydrated. Eat a healthy and high-protein diet.

  • Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks and smoking for at least 4 weeks (please consider quitting).


  • Take all antibiotics as prescribed until finished.

  • Talk to your doctor in the event of an allergic reaction.

Pain Management

  • The local anesthetic given to you during surgery will prevent pain immediately post-surgery. Take pain medication before the local anesthetic diminishes. Take medication with a caloric drink for at least the first 24 hours as instructed.

  • For SLIGHT TO MODERATE PAIN one or two 500mg tablets of Tylenol (or generic) may be taken every six to eight hours. Ibuprofen 200mg tablets (Motrin, Advil, generic) may be taken as follows: two tablets every 4 hours, 3 tablets every 6 hours, or 4 tablets every 8 hours.

  • For SEVERE PAIN, take the prescribed pain narcotic medication as directed.

  • Pain and discomfort due to surgery should subside a little more every day. If the pain does not begin to improve or worsens after 1 week, please call your office.

Additional Post-Operative Considerations

  • NUMBNESS. Please call your office if post-operative numbness persists for more than 48 hours.

  • FEVER. Slight fever immediately following surgery is not uncommon. If your temperature is 101 degrees F or greater at any time, or a low-grade fever persists after the first twenty-four hours, please notify your office immediately. Tylenol or Ibuprofen may be taken to reduce the fever.

  • BONY PROJECTIONS. Occasionally, patients may feel hard projections of bone at the surgical site with their tongue. These projections of bone usually smooth out spontaneously, if not, they can be removed by your clinician.

  • DRY LIPS. The corners of your mouth may become dry and crack. Your lips should be kept moist with an over the counter lip balm or Vaseline. Remember to stay hydrated as well.

  • LIMITED JAW MOVEMENT. Stiffness of the jaw muscles may cause difficulty in opening your mouth for several days. This is a normal and will resolve in time. Gentle exercise of the jaw by opening wide and stretching the muscles will help to clear up the stiffness more quickly.

  • SORE THROAT OR BLOODY NOSE: These are common after IV sedation, but will normally resolve themselves within a week after the procedure.


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